
Clarify how energy production in the brain is regulated

2012/05/09 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Neuroscientists Nagore Puente and Pedro Grandes, from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at UPV, have published in the journal Naturoscie Neurence a research that helps clarify how energy production in the brain is regulated.

Pedro Grandes and Nagore Puente, neuroscientists of the UPV Ed. UPV/EHU

This study identified the main brain cannabinoid receptor in neuronal mitochondria, CB1. It's been a surprise, as experts thought it couldn't be there. And not only that. The study explained that the CB1 receptor plays a fundamental role in regulating the main activity of mitochondria: regulating energy production.

The human brain, despite representing only 2% of the total body weight, consumes 20% of the energy produced by the organism. This brain energy is supplied by the mitochondria and, as in all cells, the mitochondria is fundamental for the functioning and survival of cells, in this case neurons. What happens is that if the neuronal mitochondria works badly, the brain consequences can be serious.

“At a congress held in the United States of America, Dr. Marsicano of the University of Bordeaux and I had an interview in the hallway. In science, sometimes, this is how ideas arise,” says Grandes.

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