Magnetism of Ganimede
1997/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ganimede is almost a planet. Jupiter's largest moon has a diameter of 5,260 kilometers. It is the most important satellite of planets in the Solar System. It is superior to Mercury (4,878 km in diameter) and has the size of the planet. In addition, it has detected that the Galileo probe has magnetic field. Ganimede can have magnetic field thanks to its internal structure. This was thought for a long time, but the Galileo probe has now proven suspicion.
The internal structure would be formed by three layers. In the center will have a metallic zone of between 400 and 1,200 kilometers, crowned by a layer of silicate rock, all surrounded by an ice mantle of about 900 kilometers thick. Ganimede's magnetic field is shaped like that of the Earth, by rotation movements and convection of the liquid layer around the metal core.
However, for the moment Ganimede is the only satellite that has magnetic field in the Solar System, but perhaps also has the satellite Io of Jupiter. But Ganimede has another peculiarity. In fact, unlike any other place in the Solar System, its magnetosphere is within the magnetosphere of Jupiter.

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