
Pheromones to attract potato bugs to the trap

2002/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Scientists at the U.S. Agricultural Research Service have discovered a pheromone that attracts potato bugs of both sexes. Until now the pheromone that attracted the male was known, but it is important to get a pheromone that attracts not only the female. It can be used to make pest control traps.

The pheromone that attracts males could be used at most to count the population of potato bugs. This determined the method of control of the epidemic, but it did not serve to use it as a trap, since a few males escaped the trap are sufficient to spread the pest.

On the contrary, the pheromone that attracts potato bugs of both sexes can be used to make a very effective trap: if through the pheromone the potato bugs move to a place, just put some pesticide to kill all. In this way, it is not necessary to deploy a lot of pesticides throughout the section.

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