Not all LHC accelerator tests will be performed
2007/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Physicists wait for the start of the LHC accelerator. The new CERN laboratory accelerator will be the largest and most powerful machine in the world that will study particle physics: Buried in a 27-kilometre-long tunnel in Geneva, Switzerland, it will provoke the strong particle shocks they have caused so far. They are expected to work in March or April next year (maximum in May), but for this they will leave one of the main tests pending.
This test has to do with one of the most hopeful experiments, which look for the basic particle that gives mass to things, the Higgs boson. This experiment requires a lot of energy, so in November they wanted to perform a low-energy simulation. In practice they need special magnets to perform the simulation, which will not be ready for November. The engineers at the American laboratory Fermilab have had problems and have not finished. People working on the LHC accelerator decide to move forward without simulating the Higgs boson experiment.

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