
In school there are worse than exams

2001/10/14 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Point. Most children are already in school. Peace! It will say more than one, but although this is true, school time, in addition to the bad notes that students can contribute, can cause some problem that no one likes. Do you want any example? For example, lice.

Lice are parasitic insects. Human blood is absorbed and thanks to it they live. They produce picor.

Despite being looking for, seeing lice is not usually easy, but yes your egg, the vegetables. The canvases are usually glued to the hairs, especially in the area of the neck and behind the ears. If we pass our hand through these areas, the canvases are uncovered.

Lice easily pass from one person to another, just approach a little. Therefore, despite being more at ease in dirt, lice also go to clean hair. By sharing combs or brushes, keeping hair long or using hair hairs, it facilitates the transmission of lice.

It is not usually difficult to remove lice. You must first choose a good insecticide, preferably lotion. The hair should be wet with insecticide and then pass a fine comb. To make the insecticide more effective, after the application of the lotion, the head can be covered and maintained for a couple of hours. Then the head is cleaned with the normal shampoo and all the gardens that appear are removed. Let the hair dry naturally.

They recommend that the treatment be repeated between five and ten days, since in this way the risk of having lice is completely eliminated. All utensils used in the implantation of treatment, such as combs, brushes, towel, etc., will be cleaned in open water for disinfection. Once the lice or nits have disappeared, it is necessary to review their reappearance from time to time.

Although many believe otherwise, as a prevention it does not serve the use of flip-flops or insecticides against lice. They only serve when there are lice or canvases. Short hair helps. And of course, let everyone use their own combs, brushes and towels without giving them.

As seen, the struggle against lice and orchards, in principle, is not difficult. The problem is in the easy passage of the lice from one head to another. Therefore, if you have to take measures, you have to do it with all the children of the school, with those who still do not have either smoke or lice. It is enough for a single child not to follow the treatment to reproduce the lice.

Backups with backups

With the return to the school, the backpacks return to the back of the students. According to experts, 70% of those under 16 sometimes suffer from back pain, while 30% have to give up some activity due to pain. The main reason for all this is backpacks for carrying school material. According to expert data, 10% of children carry more weight than recommended. "Schoolchildren," says Francismo Manuel Kovacs, president of the foundation for the prevention of injuries in the back of children, "should not carry so much weight every day.

In schools it would be necessary to put lockers or publish the material of the subjects for three months, but since that is very difficult, we recommend using carts with wheels to carry the material". The carts must be able to regulate the height to adapt to the height of the children and avoid injuries to the wrist or arm.

In addition to using carts, Kovacs indicates that the seats and tables of the classes should be adjusted to the students' measurements. "If each child dresses the footwear of the corresponding number, why don't we put the chair and the table that correspond to him? Does it cost to use adjustable chairs and tables?

In any case, the most effective measure to avoid injuries and back pain is sports practice, since in this way the muscles that sustain the spine can be strengthened. Not all sports are recommended. "For this purpose, swimming is the most suitable sport. Sports that force the waist to move violently, such as tennis, are not very good. However, any sport that is practiced regularly and calmly is better than not doing any".

The foundation of Kovacs is sending schools a decalogue that can help care for the back. The gold tips are:

  • Do sport.
  • Before doing sports, perform muscle warm-up exercises. After the sports session, perform muscle relaxation exercises.
  • Do not stay sitting all day.
  • If you are going to be sitting long, be well seated (straight and supported on the back).
  • When you are studying use the lectern.
  • When you put yourself in front of the computer, place the screen at the height of your eyes.
  • Bring with sense the school material.
  • Do not smoke.
  • If you have back pain, go to your doctor and play sports.

Visual fatigue visual fatigue

In the tasks of the student, mainly writing and reading, it is endangered not only the back, but also the eyes. More and more. And it is that writing and reading for themselves is a problem for the eyes. If one and the other are done on the computer, the role of the eyes is even more tired. And if you take into account that much of the free time of the students is watching TV, it is not necessary to say how much the eyes can be tired.

Therefore, just like the tips for taking care of the back, you also have to give eye care:

  • Don't spend too much time playing in front of the TV or with the computer console.
  • If you see the TV, leave a minimum distance of 2 meters.
  • It is not advisable to read, write or watch the TV with the head turned.
  • Always work with the right light, do not cause shadows.
  • A proper reading position and distance of about 35 centimeters should be taken.
  • It is not recommended to read on vehicles in progress.
  • Do not look directly at the sun or the bright lights.
  • Do not rub your eyes.
  • Use of glasses if necessary.

Published in 7K.

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