
If you want to quit smoking

1991/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Smoking cessation pathways and trials are more than numerous. The last of these methods has just been released in September and has been published by the French laboratories Fabré.

Smoking cessation pathways and trials have been more than numerous. In the market there are many products, and besides these, alternative medicines have their own solutions. The degree of success of these methods varies greatly from one person to another and from one product to another.

The last of these methods has just been released in September and has been published by the French laboratories Fabré. The method is basically to stick some nicotine patches on a hairless skin. These patches release doses of nicotine and reach the blood. In this way, smokers begin to burn the cigarette with a feeling of enormous satiety and slam the cigarette.

The promoters of this method expect to achieve 80% success among those who perform treatment for six months.

So be it!

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