
First female preserver

1992/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Soon the condom will not be only for man. In March 1992, the Polive laboratories wanted to present the first female preserver called Femidom.

The product is being manufactured in England and is shaped like a polyurethane case. This is established in the vagina thanks to a movable ring. According to the authors of this product, placing Femidom is as simple as placing a hygienic tampon.

It seems that for the advantages of this product will be done in competition with the classic condom.

The thickness of the membrane of this preserver, made of plastic material more resistant than the latex, will be 40 microns. Jean-Jacques Delas, scientific director of Polive, says: Because polyurethane is better heat conductor than latex, Femidoma will be much more sensitive.

Although the condom is put on erection, the Femidom is placed before the sexual relationship and is removed after completion.

These preserbators, which will soon be manufactured in large series in a London factory, have passed different tests for five years. It has passed anti-allergic tests, lack of porosity, antitransmission of sexual diseases and AIDS, for example.

It will be distributed in European countries in 1992 and in the US in 1993.

Therefore, sexual relationships will be more and more comfortable.

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