
Sunless tan and protects from the sun

2006/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Sunless tan and protects from the sun
01/12/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: University of Ohio)

There are people who do not produce melanin, so the sun especially harms them and they never get tanned. Melanin protects from ultraviolet rays, but those who do not have a skin protein, called melanocortina receptor 1, cannot form melanin. As a result, they cannot be exposed to the sun, since they are otherwise burned and, in addition, have a high risk of skin cancer.

At the Boston Institute of Cancer, a molecule that can be of great help to these people has been isolated from the coleo plant: forescolina. This molecule causes the activation of an enzyme and the appearance of dark pigments on the skin. Therefore, the skin is tanned. Unlike creams that only tan the skin, the pigments thus produced protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

The researchers have worked with mice without the ability to produce melanin and have obtained good results. Before proving it with humans they will have to do many more studies, but believe it can be beneficial to some. However, it does not serve for albinos, since in no case can these people produce pigments.

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