Down syndrome calls for priority in vaccinations
2020/12/23 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

27 December 2020, the date of start of vaccination in the European Union, and in particular the vaccination of Pfizer and Biontech companies. The distribution of doses has been agreed, as well as the first to receive the vaccine: residents and nursing home workers and health professionals.
In some countries, for example in Spain, residents in centres of dependent people and users of day centres of high dependence will also be vaccinated with priority.
Associations working with those affected by Down syndrome have requested that those affected also take into account preferences. In fact, if they become infected, they have 5 times more risk of hospitalization than the rest and 10 times more risk of dying, according to Science magazine. As in most cases, it is both an important factor and in the case of Down syndrome, but in its case the bleeding is around 40 years: In children under 40 years the mortality rate is 7% and in those over 40 years of age 53%.
According to experts, those affected by chromosome 21 trisomy have a greater number of respiratory infections, partly due to their physical characteristics (large tongue, small scrub, lax tone of the throat muscles…), but also due to their genetic characteristics. In fact, an enzyme that uses the virus to access cells (TMPRSS2) is 1.6 times more exposed by Down syndrome.
In addition, due to the peculiarities of the immune system, they present a hyperinflammation that significantly aggravates the symptoms of covid-19. Therefore, they request that Down Syndrome be considered as priority groups for covid-19 vaccination.

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