
Doñana park recovery works paralyzed

1999/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


It has been several months since a toxic spill occurred in the town of Aznalcollar, in the Doñana Natural Park, and ecosystem recovery work has barely advanced. So far only some cleaning work has been done to reduce the initial impact of the affected area. The complaint of the courts continues, but the insurance has not yet responded and in Boliden Apirsa has limited itself to buying the farmers' harvest.

On 13 January the company presented a report requesting the opening of the mine, but the Doñana Board of Trustees indicates that the facilities do not guarantee environmental safety and that there is no emergency plan so the risk of a new accident has not been eliminated. The facilities are still closed, although before the company Boliden Apirsa planned to open them in December.

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