DNA available in nanotechnology
2004/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

DNA can be organized naturally, forming well-defined nanostructures. This feature can be used for performing microscopic devices or for structuring the material directly on a scale lower than the micrometer.
Scientists have struggled to clone three-dimensional DNA objects, as polymers prevented copying. But it is not the case of the octahedron that appears on the nanoscale. This molecule takes the form of a regular octahedron versus oligonucleotides, 22 nanometers in diameter that have been specifically designed. This increases the possibilities of use in nanotechnology.
To achieve this, in addition, a fundamental characteristic of DNA, polymerase amplification, will be of great help. This amplification facilitates the production of large dimensions and the guided evolution of the sequences.

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