
The secret of the force of diatoms

2003/02/20 Elhuyar Zientzia

Diatoms are unicellular algae capable of withstanding the weight of an elephant despite being microscopic. What makes it so strong?

The secret is in the armor that surrounds it. Diatoms have a silicon cover that allows predators' teeth to not damage them and, sometimes, they can cross their digestive tract and survive. In addition, they are able to live at great depth, since the deck allows them to withstand the water pressure they have on it.

Also important is the design or appearance of the deck, since the presence of this singular structure makes it stronger. In fact, three species of diatoms have been analyzed capable of withstanding between 100 and 700 tons of pressure per square meter. Therefore, the deck, besides giving beauty, gives them strength.

The photo is by Martin March.

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