
Diabetes: almost normal life

1991/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to the diabologists, often the possibility of adequate treatment vanishes and therefore the quality of life of diabetics is not adequate.

70 years ago the diabetic child only expected death. At present, however, life expectancy is much better. However, the life of diabetics is a third shorter than that of healthy people.

According to German diabologists Karl Schöffling and Helmut Mehnert, the possibility of adequate treatment is often fainted, so the quality of life of diabetics is not adequate.

There are two types of diabetics. On the one hand are the malfunctioning of the area, which represents 15%. Your no insulin should be replaced by injection. On the other hand, there is diabetes that occurs in obese people and over forty years of age. In these people the insulin that produces the body would be enough, but because of the lifestyle this insulin is not enough to cope with overload. The treatment of these people consists of food diets and pills.

For cases where the use of injections is mandatory, doctors are working on portable insulin pumps. The recently marketed device is called pen (luma). This device is shaped like a pen and the dose of insulin that each patient needs is inserted into cartridges. These cartridges are loaded into axo and the patient can use the penalty when desired.

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