
They clarify the genetic origin of Crohn's disease

2001/05/22 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

Crohn's disease affects the intestines and produces inflammations and ulcers. It appears when the immune system initiates a reaction against intestinal bacteria and in western countries it is one of every 1,000 people. It was first described in 1932 by physician Burril Crohn and researchers from the United States and France announced yesterday that they have found a disease-related gene.

The only thing there was so far was that genetic inheritance was related to this chronic disease. From now on, researchers also know that it is related to a gene on chromosome 16. Researchers at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Gilles Thomas, and Gabriel Nuñez, of the University of Michigan, have called the Nod2 gene guilty, after verifying that 15% of those affected by Crohn's disease have modified it.

The protein encoding the Nod2 gene separates the intestinal bacteria themselves and controls the immune system response. The protein produced by Crohn's patients has no control over the immune system. Without control, its immune system attacks the bacteria that live in the intestine and therefore appear inflamed and ulcers.

In 1996, geneticists identified an extensive region on chromosome 16 that could be related to Crohn's disease. In this region, however, there were between 20 and 30 thousand letters of DNA and it has not been easy to know exactly what gender was related to the disease. Gilles Thomas and Gabriel Nuñez have worked separately and with a different methodology, but both have reached the same gene, which is a great guarantee for research.

However, in the Nod2 gene it is not the only cause of Crohn's disease and it is very possible that other genes are involved. In addition, personal life and the environment contribute to the appearance of the disease. Currently Crohn's disease has no remedy and is fought through the operating theatre or taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

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