The CAF-Elhuyar
2002/01/14 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

‘Demography and technological regimes of Basque microenterprises XXI. At the doors of the century’. This is the title of the book project presented by Iñaki Peña Legazkue and has received a scholarship of 4,200 euros. Iñaki Peña is a professor at the headquarters of the University of Deusto in Donostia (ESTE) and will have the collaboration of two other professors to carry out this research work: María José Aranguren and Miren Larrea.
In fact, two years ago they won the Karlos Santamaría Scholarship of the City of San Sebastian for the study of economic development in the area of Donostia. In the book to be completed, Peña stated his intention to analyze the number of microenterprises created in the Basque Country, how they are and why most fail. "Microenterprises are often fragile and have major survival problems for more than three or four years. Eight out of ten are closed in the early years. Public initiatives are very important for such small businesses," he explained. Iñaki Peña will have one year to convert the project into a book.
From cloning to cancer
In the field of articles, Leire Escajedo has received the first prize ‘Myths of therapeutic cloning: truths and lies. Leire has criticized cloning, embryos, the attempt to confuse the maternal cell with therapy and explained the current situation. The jury believes that the article is very friendly and very well developed, and in addition to mentioning the latest news, has managed to offer a global vision. Leire Escajedo holds a degree in Law and also a professor at the School of Labor Relations of the UPV/EHU works in the Chair of Law and Human Genome between the UPV and the University of Deusto.

The second prize has been for the article ‘....and at one point the strings appeared’. Gorka Azkune Galparsoro has taken us into the bowels of Physics today and has done a special work to present the important and difficult theory of superstrings in an elegant, attractive and understandable way, using appropriate images, clear concepts and a living Basque.
The third prize went to Iker Anega, Juan José Jubete and Karmele López de Ipina, “Exceando fronteras por voz”. The jury noted that this article has highlighted the close relationship between technology and wellbeing, and has clearly explained what new avenues of support have already developed in the face of the disease consist of. This technology developed through voice is, moreover, the result of the work of a group of researchers from the Basque Country and, in addition to its intrinsic value, the communication of our scientific community has been highly valued.
Finally, the jury has awarded a special prize for young writers to the work ‘Tumor angiogenesis’ by Gorka Orive. The article describes one of the multiple forms of cancer treatment, explaining in a simple way the usual procedures and actions in this line of research.
Good results

It has been eight years since Elhuyar launched the CAF-Elhuyar awards to encourage scientific dissemination and, in view of its acceptance, it can be said that they are in full form. This year's call for applications included 22 outreach articles and 9 book projects.
According to the jury, all participants have shown a good level and have found it difficult to award the prizes. The writers wanted to emphasize that they have chosen topics of great relevance and that have been very varied. In the past they were the natural sciences, but more and more biotechnologies and new technologies.
On the other hand, Inaki Irazabalbeitia, president of the Elhuyar association, wanted to highlight the achievement of the objectives pursued in the creation of the CAF-Elhuyar Awards, many of which have encouraged to participate in the CAF-Elhuyar Awards and have continued with scientific outreach.
The award-winning articles will be published together with the February issue of Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika magazine.

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