

2001/08/28 Elhuyar Zientzia

Today's image is for skewers or sorcerers. Why? Yesterday afternoon we had a brooch in the office. But, in addition, it is time to copulate the skewers and lay them eggs. They are placed in very special positions to copulate: usually the male subject to the female by the back of the head, especially at the end of the body with its clamps (see figure). Then the female also tilts her body and inserts the end into the lower abdomen of the male. If the female has previously had another copulation, the remaining sperm is removed and the new male is inserted.

The eggs thus generated are deposited in different forms, always around the water: some submerge them under water, others bury them, there are some that stick them to the plants (under or out of water) and put them in the stems of the plants. It depends on the species. Many times the male helps the female lay eggs to make sure they are fertilized with their hope.

Larvae from eggs will live underwater for several years (in some species two or more years).

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