
Esfing with skull

2003/10/10 Elhuyar Zientzia

The image is the skull sphinx, Acherontia atropos. It is called this because it has a skull image on the back.

It is one of the largest and heaviest butterflies of Euskal Herria (6-7 cm). He lives in Africa, but in spring he reaches the south of Europe and performs some setting. In hot years like this year also performs two sets, which may be the reason for this year to look more than usual. The Sphinx hummingbird, a butterfly that looks forward and backward like a hummingbird in the geraniums of the house, is also seen more this year; in short, they are the butterflies of the same group.

The skull esfing is stopped in the logs. It is quite brown with the wings closed, but if something provoked, stretches the legs, extends the wings and uncovers the yellow-black color of both the body and the lower wings and takes the form of a flare.

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