
Bruno Barnouin. IFREMER Director of Environment

2000/11/07 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

A week after the sinking of Ievoli Sun in the English Channel. The conclusions are being studied at IFREMER, a marine research institute in France. Among others, it is responsible for monitoring specific contaminations and defining the measures to be taken.

"There is no danger to the marine ecosystem"

How long will it take to correctly measure the consequences?

To measure the effects it is necessary to empty the boat and we do not know how long it will take. However, since styrene is biodegradable, I do not think there is risk to the marine ecosystem. If it polymerizes and reaches the coast can be harmful to birds and annoying for inhabitants. As for the air, the damage will depend on the wind. If the wind is of southern component, no discomfort will be caused and if it is of north wind, the smell on the coast would be appreciated.

Will they affect oyster and mussel crops on the Normandy coast?

I don't think there are serious consequences. Styrene is not a long-term pollutant, so it will not reach ecotoxicological doses (amount needed to feel gut pains and pain). In addition, thanks to the large dispersion, much diluted water has spread. Even in the worst hypothesis, strong marine currents would prevent large concentrations. The only possible change is to change the taste of shellfish.

Styrene can alter the taste of the shells without harming health. How is it explained?

It is not easy to explain it to people. Even if it is not toxic, these productions cannot be commercialized. Human senses are very sensitive to styrene. Due to odors and taste, small concentrations of styrene detection are sufficient. The concentration needed to get sick is 10 mg/l.

Is pollution less dangerous than Erika's accident?

Styrene is certainly less dangerous. Erika transported hydrocarbons, durable and bioaccumulative compounds. This is a pollution that degrades much more easily.

During the accident of the ship Erika the experts held a seminar to regulate the transport of chemical compounds. How are we facing a new serious accident?

In this seminar we participated several experts who sent reports to the ministries. The French government launched two major programs. Within three years, £35 million was invested in research and development. But changing things takes more time.

Has it served to track the pollution generated by the Ievoli Sun accident?

No, the truth is that it has not served much because the products discharged have nothing to do. However, having more relationship with Meteo France, it has served to make predictions and work together.

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