Evolution of virus cancer
1992/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A group of researchers at the Pasteur Institute in Paris has stated that the development of chancellor by viruses depends on control by body defenses.
The positive or negative evolution of papillomavirus tumors depends on certain components of the immunization system.
In papillomavirus 66 different types are known that infect skin cells and mouth mucus, genital mucus and light.
These viruses produce benign tumors in animals and humans. In general, these tumors do not grow too much and resolve with some treatment. But sometimes they can become chancellors and end up as carcinoma.

Researchers analyze the evolution of these lesions caused by potentially carcinogenic papillomavirus. In these lesions a virus cancer may appear and at that time our immunization system is of vital importance. Oncologists know that there are more warts and carcinomas in immunosuppressed people with kidney transplant or AIDS than in others.
What's more, when this kind of sluts go away suddenly. According to scientists, among the vegetables that are being cured are usually lymphocytes and macrophages. Therefore, these cells will have something to say in this cure.
According to Dr. Orth, head of research at the Pasteur Institute, there is immune control in the evolution of lesions produced by papilomabirus.
Therefore, what today is only a suspicion, it is expected to be tested shortly.

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