
Heart valves, glue and smoke

2008/05/22 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

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These two artificial heart valves were recorded in the heart of a 67-year-old woman at the Montreal Heart Institute in Canada. It was placed in two tubes out of the heart thirty-eight years ago to prevent the blood from falling back. The pressure change of the corresponding heart cavity makes the balls that are observed can move forward or back into the cage, letting blood pass or hindering the passage back.

During these thirty-eight years they have not failed, but the valves have already begun to age. The woman goes to the hospital because she has trouble breathing. There they made a catheterization in the heart to see if things were right and thanks to the contrast used were obtained the images that are now shown.

Photo: Nicolo Piazza

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