Two challenges in covid-19 research
2020/06/10 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia
We move forward, there is no doubt. In this phase of the pandemic things have changed and not only on a social level. In the scientific field we are also advancing, but, as always happens, not as fast as you want. Two words come to my mind: vaccine and immunity.

The vaccine is being investigated. We do not know how long it will take to develop a vaccine and make sure it is safe. The idea of the vaccine is to give a part of the virus to the body, a part that has no harmful effects and thereby reactivate the response of the immune system. But what part?
A good option is to provide the protein S of the virus, that is, the protein that is related to the wall of our cells. Part that seeks our receivers. Somehow, protein S fuses the virus and cell wall and introduces the genetic material of the virus into the cell.
Well, instead of being vaccinated directly with this protein, a consortium of researchers wants to use the gene that encodes this protein. How? As we put the protein S gene into another virus and that new virus infecting our cell. This second virus is not harmful to us and we use it to include a gene within our cells. It is the idea of gene therapy as usual.
In fact, the company of Viral de Donostia is part of this consortium, expert in the preparation of this type of virus. If you are lucky, but this strategy works, but you have to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine, so you won't get it out at least until autumn.
I mentioned a second word: immunity. What do we know about immunity from this particular virus? It is a complex issue. In general, our immune system has many strategies and mechanisms. There is a mechanism of attack on any unknown particle and there are specific attack mechanisms. We can create antibodies specifically against a certain virus, but for this a complex network of molecular signals is launched. Cytokines are a protein that carries signals from one cell to another. But this mechanism can be uncontrolled. Possible feedback. Experts call the storm of the cieras when this happens and it is dangerous because it can damage our cells.
This is the case of this coronavirus, according to an article in the journal Science Direct, the cytokines storm is the most dangerous and deadly event related to COVID-19. However, it seems that it will be possible to cope with the cytokines storm: In an article of nature they use the verb counteract. That is, you can oppose the cytokines storm. But to do this, we must understand the complex network of cytokines, the complex network of signals. It is not an easy task.
We are therefore far from understanding immunity against COVID. Researchers work very quickly. But the effort they have to make is also very great.

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