Avalon Explosion, Precambrian Animal Explosion
2008/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the Cambrian there was the biggest animal explosion of all time, 542-520 million years ago. It was then that the groups of most of the animals that we know today emerged. Research published in the journal Science reveals a new explosion that occurred about 30 million years before the Cambrian. He has been called Avalon explosion. Around the world they know the only site of the time, in Australia, where they were found.
In addition, they have seen that the living beings resulting from this explosion have no relation to those later formed in the Cambrian, and most disappeared before the Cambrian explosion occurred. This research reinforces the idea that evolution does not occur slowly and orderly, but by jumping or flying.

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