Rice and methane
2002/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to experts, 10% of the methane present in the atmosphere is produced in rice plantations, being abundant in the soil in which this plant grows a type of methane producing bacteria. However, the more efficient the plant is, the less methane production by the bacteria in the area, since the amount of carbon not used by the plant is less.

Now, researchers have clarified what the efficacy of rice is. Two European and one Asian groups have collaborated. German, Dutch and Filipino biologists have seen that when the plant is effective, it allocates much more carbon to the mechanisms of flower and grain formation. Consequently, effective plants have more branches than others, in short, they are basic structures for the growth of flowers and grain.
Methane participates in the greenhouse effect and therefore has to do with global warming. On the other hand, the increase in temperature makes the rice crops not as rich as before, so a cycle is formed that had not been studied until now. According to scientists, if you want to keep the rice crop, you will have to cultivate rice plants that provide many flowers and grain.

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