Territory of lice invaded by clothing
2003/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to some German researchers, the man began wearing clothes 70,000 years ago. This conclusion has been drawn from the genetic study of lice, since when the man put on his clothes, this animal had to adapt.

Dress has to do with going to cold climates. When the Homo sapiens left Africa and went to cold lands, the louse had to change its habitat. The species that lived in the body was transformed and adapted to live in the hair, according to scientists. The louse Pediculus humanus, which lived in the body, became the Pediculus humanus capitis of the head.
However, some scientists have questioned this interpretation, since the Neanderthal lived in Europe for much more than 70,000 years, and it was believed that he was also dressed. Therefore, the louse species also had to change much earlier.

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