
Light and living beings

1996/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to the first hypotheses, cyclic activity regulates the responsiveness of the proteins of our genes to light.

A group of researchers from New Hampshire is opening a new way to explain the reason for cyclical activities in living beings. Since they began to analyze the influence of light on our life cycle, they considered the basic structure of genes as the key to research and invented it. According to the first hypotheses, cyclic activity regulates the responsiveness of the proteins of our genes to light. According to these lkerlaris, the indelible inhibits the functioning of certain types of proteins, so we can normally carry out activities typical of the night.

However, it remains to be seen whether all these investigations can be applied in the case of any living being. Trials at the New Hampshire laboratory have culminated in a fungus called Neurospora crassa, so the next step will be to explore the genetic structure of other living beings.

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