
Big Brother in the crusade against obesity

2001/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

George Orwell did not come up with it, but Yves Schuch of the University of Lausanne did. The GPS system provided by satellite networks has found that a person is useful to account for the calories he is burning and has found practical use. If the person running carries a GPS receiver in the back, the satellite, in addition to calculating its exact position in three dimensions, can calculate the speed and meters traveled and, with it, the amount of calories being burned. The Swiss researcher wants to know why the new generations are more obese.

Route: Route: Measurement of physical activity through the GPS system 24 hours a day. In this way, in addition to contributing to the welfare of society, each one could measure whether or not it performs the exercise it performs. It will not happen to impose the penalty on those who do less than enough!

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