
After the mass disappearance in America

2007/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

After the mass disappearance in America
01/07/2007 | Elhuyar

About 13,000 years ago there was a great extinction in America. On the one hand, the men of the Clovis culture disappeared and, on the other, the great mammals of this continent. According to the theory presented by an international group, these disappearances were produced by a meteorite.

They have not found the crater left by the meteorite, but have presented several tests in favor of this theory: in some places the level of iridium is too high to be produced on Earth, and have discovered round grains of crystal and carbon previously appeared in other craters. Carbonized material has also been found in the rocks; according to the researchers, a trace of the fires caused by the meteorite.

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