
Another 11 Alzheimer’s related genes have been identified

2013/11/22 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Interaction with a molecule that acts on Alzheimer's. Ed. University of Navarra

Researchers of the international IGAP project have managed to identify eleven other Alzheimer's disease-related genes in research that has so far brought together more volunteers.

Specifically, the genome of 74,046 people from 15 countries, both Alzheimer's and Health, have been analyzed, and researchers from the CIMA Applied Medical Research Center and the University Clinic of Navarra have participated in the project. One of them, Pau Pastor, explained that the function of some of these genes identified is related to altered molecular mechanisms in Alzheimer's, such as beta-amyloid peptide production and synaptic transmission. “This identification allows us to find new potential milestones for pharmacological research aimed at healing the disease,” added Pastor.

The results have been published in the journal Nature Genetics.

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