
Bird 35 years old

2002/10/11 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The marine mica that was ringed 35 years ago has been trapped in Britain. It was ringed in 1967 south of England, in the area known as Wainfleet. Ornithologists believe they were born in a Norwegian colony and would mark it in their first migration. In annual migrations between England and Norway it is estimated that it has travelled a total of 270,000 kilometers.

It feeds on marine mollusks, worms and the like on beaches and coastal rocks. For their type of food they have not seen it very well, especially those who breed oysters and similar. In Britain, for example, hunting for excess population has been practiced for a long time. However, at present this bird is protected.

He is a migrant, he goes from Europe to Africa to spend the winter, but more and more those who, instead of migrating, spend the whole year in the same place. In the case of the Cantabrian coast, for example, there are quite stable populations and it seems that in recent years the number of specimens has increased.

Although the newly found specimen has reached the age record in this bird species, it does not belong to the bird species that most lives among the birds. For example, the Albatros reach 60 years.

It seems that, in general, marine birds have a longer life than terrestrial birds. This may be mainly due to a lower presence of raptor species at sea. In the sea, climatic conditions prevail, but for the birds of the earth, things are very different. In addition to having more predators, human influence on earth is very evident, and it seems very difficult to find some terrestrial bird that lives more than ten years.

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