
Aging from the point of view of medical research

2023/12/01 Alberro Garitano, Ainhoa - Biogipuzkoa Osasun Ikerketa Institutuko neurozientzia-arloko ikertzailea | Otaegi Bichot, David - Biogipuzkoa Osasun Ikerketa Institutuko neurozientzia-arloko ikertzailea | Basterretxea Badiola, Laura - Biogipuzkoa Osasun Ikerketa Institutuko onkologia-arloko ikertzailea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Mircea Iancu/Stockvault/CC 0

In Euskal Herria, as in all of Europe, more and more people are older. This poses profound challenges for society, from demographics, economy, philosophy, health... We have asked neuroscience researchers, Ainhoa Alberro Garitano and David Otaegi Bichot, from the Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute, and the doctor and clinical researcher, Laura Basterretxea Badiola.

Alberro and Otaegi address the issue from the point of view that the objective is not to survive, but to live better. Basterretxea has highlighted the need to consider the frailty of the elderly.


Ainhoa Alberro Garitano and David Otaegi Bichot

Investigating the verbal


Laura Basterretxea Badiola

Frailty, an essential aspect to provide an adequate clinical response


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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia