
Is mercury toxic?

2003/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

So far it has been considered that mercury introduced after eating fish is toxic, but a study puts it in doubt.

Waste bins and incineration facilities, among others, accumulate mercury poured into rivers and seas in fish tissues. With high intensity x-rays they wanted to know the compounds that form the mercury of the fish. They discover that the mercury atom appears attached to each of the carbon and sulfur atoms. According to researchers, this molecule can be methylmercury cysteine, which is not toxic.

Mercury has been considered to form methylmercury chloride molecules. This compound is very toxic as it is able to easily pass cell membranes.

However, research raises a debate, according to other researchers, as it has been shown that mercury accumulated in fish can cause serious diseases to humans.

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