
Seismologists believe that a new frontier between tectonic plates is taking place in the Indian Ocean

2012/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to three articles published by the scientific journal Nature, the two earthquakes that occurred last April 11 in the Indian Ocean are a sign that a new frontier between tectonic plates is taking place.

Seismologists had the feeling that the Indo-Australian plate was fragmenting since the 1980s, and computer models developed by earthquakes and subsequent researchers have confirmed this suspicion. Researchers have rated these earthquakes in April as clear evidence.

It is explained that most earthquakes occur when both plates collide with each other. However, earthquakes also occur when two plates move horizontally through a fault, although the previous ones are smaller. However, on April 11 it was terrible, and the replicas that occurred in the coming days were harder than the usual ones, according to the researchers.

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