
Depression of smokers

1992/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to a study of three thousand people, among smokers there are more depressed than among non-smokers. Specifically, the number of depressed patients in this study was 6.6% among smokers and 2.9% among non-smokers.

The reason for this result is that nicotine favors the release of dopamine in two areas of the brain and is one of the precursors of dopamine noradrenaline, this last stimulant.

Smokers, therefore, accustom the body to a higher level of stimulation and, in the absence of dopamine, there is a higher risk of depression.

Recently in France measures have been taken to fight against tobacco, so there is a risk of increasing the number of depressions among smokers. Therefore, the administration should provide antidepressant measures or treatments.

Finally, it should be noted that nicotine has positive aspects, since it can be a very suitable tool to cure schizophrenia.

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