
Embryo stem cells for bone marrow

2004/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Embryo stem cells have been used to develop bone marrow and blood cells.

To do this, stem cells were injected into the bone marrow of mice and the production of blood cells, including the cells of the immune system, began.

This system was also useful in genetically incompatible mice. If the same result were obtained in humans, it would not be necessary to find genetically equivalent bone marrow donors.

Embryo stem cells allow their transformation into cells of all kinds. This time, researchers have identified the most effective mix of growth factors to influence stem cells and precursors of bone marrow and blood cells. In addition, they have developed a technique to choose the most suitable injectable cells.

According to the researchers, this new system can have many advantages over normal bone marrow transplants, such as avoiding rejection.

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