
Chronic snoring

2001/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Apnea causes snoring and breathing cuts during sleep. The sick person can sit hundreds of times at night and tends to fall asleep at any time during the day. In some cases cuts are made to extend the pharynx, in order to increase the passage of air to the lungs, but in 50% of cases the situation does not improve.

The University Hospital of Valencia has used magnetic resonance to check why the operation does not work and has obtained interesting results. During sleep, the upper part of the pharynx narrows a lot, especially among those who suffer apnea. In them, the pipe is 85% narrower than when they are asleep. On the other hand, they have found that the hardness of the wall of the pharynx has much to do with operational errors. That is, although the pharynx expands operatively, the structure and muscular behavior must be taken into account in operations.

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