Text written in Basque and translated automatically by Elia without any subsequent editing. SEE ORIGINAL
Stork in Donostia
1991/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
On September 21 at eight and a half in the morning the stork appeared in the Old Quarter of San Sebastian, next to the Seminary.

On September 21 at eight and a half in the morning the stork appeared in the Old Quarter of San Sebastian, next to the Seminary. As can be seen in the image, he posed on the eaves and spent a quarter of an hour. It is not a bird that is seen daily on the banks of Gipuzkoa.
Perhaps he will arrive lost from the south to the sea, or perhaps from Paris to bring some gift. Who knows!

eu es fr en ca gl
Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia