What was chicken or egg before?
2000/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia
This is the question that man has always asked: What was chicken or egg before? And the answers have been very varied.
But today we go to paleontology to find an answer. Millions of years before the appearance of the hens the dinosaurs already laid their eggs. And thanks to paleontology we know that birds are descendants of dinosaurs. Therefore, first it was the egg and then the hen.
But, of course, we can ask ourselves again. What was the dinosaur or egg before? And again the answer is the egg. Also the precursors of dinosaurs, that is, amphibians, laying eggs. And before the amphibians also the fish, and so we could follow up to the first being who created something similar to the egg.
Of course, that egg had nothing to do with chicken eggs.

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