Tecnalia develops a cement manufacturing technique without CO2 emissions
2010/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Tecnalia Construction Unit has developed an innovative cement generation that takes advantage of solid waste from thermal power plants to prevent calcination of limestone.
This new method aims to avoid the environmental impacts of cement production. In fact, since the traditional process involves calcination of limestone, CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are enormous. In addition, a non-renewable natural resource is consumed and much energy is consumed in the synthesis process.
This new technology reduces direct CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by up to 100%. On the other hand, the recycling of waste from thermal power plants allows the solution to all this material (in 2010, for example, thermal power plants are expected to generate about 800 million tons of solid waste). In addition, this innovative cement manufacturing method allows to reduce by around 50% the energy consumption of the synthesis during the traditional process.

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