Differences of stem cells
2002/09/13 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Analyzing the genomic activity of each cell type, scientists have found that some stem cells are two or three times more active than in normal cells. Already 200 more active genes have been identified, but only the functions of some genes such as intercellular communication, DNA replication and response to stress are known.
In addition to embryo stem cells, adult stem cells have been used in the study. And they have also seen that they have an activity different from that of genes. Scientists believe that this discovery will help the study of adult stem cells, since it is still not very clear how adult stem cells are and what functions they can perform.
Scientists hope to identify unknown stem cells by analyzing genome activity. For example, the Harvard team searches for the area's stem cells.

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