
Cellophane under electricity

2006/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Cellophane under electricity
01/09/2006 | Elhuyar

The cellophane is piezoelectric, that is, it is returned when electricity passes through the cellophane. The same applies to cellulose, a raw material used for the manufacture of cellophane. Wood is, in short, and 50 years ago engineers knew that fine wooden plates are twisted by electricity. Therefore, it is logical that cellophane also has this characteristic, but until now it was not proven.

They have shown this by adding gold to the two ends of a piece of cellophane and passing electricity. The gold fragments act as electrodes; when the current is passed, the cellophane turns aside and when the poles of the current are exchanged to the other side. However, they still do not know very well why it happens.

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