
X-rays with zeal

2008/11/30 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

A team of researchers at the University of California has discovered the cheapest (or cheapest) way to emit X-rays: take a piece of zeal for a zeal for a zeal. In addition, it has been said that any zeal is worth, was tested with jealousy from different brands and saw that all emit X-rays. But let no one worry: it is essential that this action be done to zero.
Cellors can be the cheapest way to emit X-rays.

This phenomenon is known as triboluminescence, that is, the emission of rays by pressing, rubbing or rubbing some solids against another. However, X-rays are not always generated. We know, for example, that by biting a sugar mill there is light. Yes, it is a very low light and for its detection you have to look in the dark.

After an old suspicion

More than one of those who would know that one's own zeal also emits light. As in the case of sugar, you have to go out in the dark of the packaging to see the light, since it is very modest. It's not so known that it emits X-rays, but it's not the first time some scientists say it. In the 1950s, a group of Russian researchers suggested that when they got rid of the heat, X-rays were emitted.

From there the California team left. It was not possible that the normal jealous role, nor that the force necessary to release the zeal of a zeal was sufficient to emit X-rays.

For the X-ray generation potential to be relatively large, it is necessary to differentiate surfaces very well (Photo: J. Escobar).

Therefore, to clarify if what was said by the Russians had any foundation, the experiment was repeated. In a vacuum chamber, that is, in a container that took away the inner air, a zeal was placed and the end was tied to another. One of them was placed spinning and in one was pasting the detachment in the other.

Before its vacuum setting, a radiation measuring device showed that the heat did not emit X-rays. Then a plastic cap was placed and the interior air was removed, and then it was seen that it emitted X-rays.

In addition, they were able to demonstrate that the amount of rays emitted was sufficient to perform the x-ray of a finger of one of the scientists. The scientist placed his finger on the point where zeal was taking off. With the plates used by dentists to perform x-rays, an x-ray of the scientist's finger is obtained. It was not a very accurate x-ray, but the bone was detected.

Essential vacuum vacuum vacuum essential

At first, the scientists themselves were somewhat frightened, because zeal is used everywhere and for everyone, and that exposure to X-rays can be dangerous.

The amount of rays emitted was sufficient to perform a finger x-ray.
J. Escobar, C. Camara and S. Putterman Putterman

However, they soon realized that it is essential to take off the heat to the void to get the emission of X-rays. The scientists themselves explained the reason. The X-rays emitted are produced in a similar way to the rays: one of the two surfaces that are separated when taking off the heat is loaded and the other is reversed. Something similar happens with the clouds before a ray occurs; the upper and lower part of the clouds receive an opposite charge. At any given moment, when the potential between two loads is high enough, there is a discharge of electricity and it is then when we see the lightning light.

Well, for the X-ray generation potential to become relatively high, it is necessary to differentiate surfaces a lot. If they are not separated in vacuum, the particles of the air are interacted with the surfaces that are being separated and discharged. Therefore, if it is not in vacuum, X-rays cannot be generated and, therefore, there is no danger.

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