
With zeal, X-rays

2008/10/28 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

The taking of a piece of heat from a heat produces X-rays if this action is performed on a vacuum. A team of researchers from the University of California has shown it and made it known in the journal Nature. A celler was put to unstick in a vacuum chamber (it was collected in another roll) and saw that the heat emitted X-rays at the time of separating from the packaging. In addition, they were able to demonstrate that the amount of rays emitted was sufficient to perform the x-ray of a finger of one of the scientists. In the image you can see the vacuum chamber with zeal inside, the hand of the scientist and the x-ray made.

Image: Image: C. C. Camara, J. Escobar and S. Putterman Putterman

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