
High precision polymerization

2006/02/16 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Dentists use polymers in their fillings, in addition to very precisely: the small molecules that will form the polymer are placed in the tooth itself and become polymers by applying ultraviolet rays. The molecules applied to the tooth form a soft mass that once polymerized becomes a rigid solid that replaces the enamel. Polymerized on the same tooth, the dentist hardens the polymer to the desired appearance. Instead of making dental enamels, they have created polymer coatings of a few microns on sheet metal pieces, and have used a specific laser instead of an ultraviolet ray. This technique aims to use it in tiny three-dimensional structures, which are nanomarates. They use a liquid as a raw material and, also in this case, obtain a rigid solid in the areas where the laser has been applied. MAP technician has recently created great hope in the field of nanostructure engineering.