Garoña will close on July 6
2013/06/19 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Spanish Minister of Industry, José Manuel Soria, announced at the congress session that the Garoña nuclear power plant will close on July 6. News agencies have announced that the minister has confirmed the closure by answering a question from PNV deputy Pedro Azpiazu.
In fact, Azpiazu asks him about the future of the plant. Soria replies that although the owners of the plant extended the request for authorization, they will close it on the scheduled date because there is no time to carry out the necessary administrative procedures to carry out the change. However, it has defended Spanish nuclear power stations and considered them necessary for the country's energy supply.
Therefore, despite the definitive closure of Garoña, the issue of nuclear energy is still open.-> Garoña: the countdown has begun
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