
Measurement of contamination by doves

1999/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The pigeons that will die in Bilbao, Donostia and Vitoria-Gasteiz will be used to know the degree of air pollution in cadmium and lead. The death of these birds is a common method in large cities to control the population and prevent the spread of diseases. A recent study has shown that, through a series of analyses, the concentration of heavy metals can be measured in the guts of doves.

The introduction of these metals in the food chain can have harmful effects for humans, so it is important to know whether or not they exist to take action. Lead, among other things, damages the nervous system and is very toxic. Lead accumulates in the emissions of vehicles and conventional coal or fuel boilers, while cadmium is due to the waters of rivers contaminated by the mines.

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