
Scammer birds

2001/06/13 Elhuyar Zientzia

The Alaveses are common birds and also in Euskal Herria: As is customary in the north of Euskal Herria the starling pinto, on the Mediterranean side the most widespread alavés is black. Despite having a length of 21 cm, they do not usually go unnoticed, since they form large groups and, above all, they are very twisted.

There are hundreds of species of starlings around the world, both in rural areas and in cities, which have a unique gift to simulate the sounds of the environment. For example, in Madrid there are Alava glances that mimic the sound emitted by traffic lights for the blind, and the British Ornithological Society has announced that the sound of the call of mobile phones sounds perfectly.

According to experts, the Alava males use these melodies to attract the female. It seems that the more striking and special the melody is, the more possibilities it has to conquer the female. What will not imagine these birds to find a couple!

Author of the photo of the starling image: J.R. Aihartza.

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