The China Swamp
2003/08/06 Elhuyar Zientzia

In this photo taken by the ESA Proba microsatellite you can see one of the largest reservoirs in the world built in China within the Three Gorges project.
The wall has a length of 190 meters and is considered to support already ten billion cubic meters of water. Thousands of people have had to leave their homes due to the expansion of water. The river is constantly overflowing and carries the sediments of the area. This striking brown color of the river in the upper image is due to the abundance of sediments. However, the Chinese government is committed to expanding the reservoir, as it thinks that producing more electricity will increase economic development.
The test microsatellite tries to obtain images of the maximum precision and resolution of the environment. It is able to observe the same point of the earth from different angles.

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