
Chinese wall prevents exchange

2003/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

To check whether plant species on both sides of the Chinese wall are genetically equal, a study was conducted at the University of Beijing. Scientists knew that species found in areas of natural barriers invade different paths, as this barrier prevents gene exchange. And they suspected that the same thing could happen with the Chinese wall.

The research has been carried out at three points on the side of Juyong Guan, two separated by a wall of 6 m in length and width, and a mountain trail. A total of 416 plants of 6 species of different habitats and pollination systems were analyzed.

The results indicate that the species that flank the wall follow their course. In addition, genetic changes have been considered to occur relatively quickly, as this part of the wall was about 600 years ago. On the other hand, plants pollinated by insects are more resistant to the wall than those pollinated with the help of the wind.

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