
Finally a live giant squid!

2005/09/28 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Until now they only saw the giant squid (Architeuthis) dead, but finally they have managed to film a copy. The news has been published in the journal Proceedings by biologists of the National Museum of Sciences of Tokyo.

The giant squid is the largest invertebrate in the world and lives in deep waters of the oceans. From there the scientists know little. It can be said that it is a mythical animal that has been sought for centuries.

But lately, as dead specimens are discovered, the life of this mysterious animal has been discovered, even a little. And perhaps that has awakened even more curiosity. Japanese biologists who have managed to film the giant squid, for example, had been behind these images for years. But in the end they have achieved it.

In the Japanese waters, 23 buoys were installed in which the chambers were occasionally lowered to deep waters. Next to the camera, a beitia shaped hook was placed for the squid, until one has hooked on the hook. One of the tentacles got stuck in the hook and broke trying to release it. Because thanks to this snack they have discovered that this squid had a total length of about eight meters (the tentacle was five and a half meters).

So, so many images have been obtained. But these images of the giant squid will probably not only reveal the mystery but aggravate it.