
Signs of Struggle Found in Triceratops Fossils

2009/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Signs of Struggle Found in Triceratops Fossils
01/04/2009 | Elhuyar
Fossilized triceratops skull with possible fighting marks.
(Photo: L. Panzari (superior); J. Norman (lower)

Fighting signs have been found on the skulls of dinosaur triceratops. Scientists at the Raymond M.Alf Paleontology Museum in Claremonte concluded that after studying 400 skulls, they were adapted for their protection.

The use of the three branches of this dinosaur is very rife among scientists. Therefore, Andrew Farke and his companions of the aforementioned museum analyzed the skulls of triceratops and their centrosaurian ancestors. The difference between centrosaurs and triceratops was in the nasal branch, triceratops were small and centrosaurs were larger than the other two. In the results of the study, triceratops skulls were ten times more damaged than those of centrosaurs.

According to Farke, this means that triceratops used their horns to fight and that their skull had adapted to protect themselves. However, he believes that the branches of the centrosaurs would be to show health and fertility. However, the researcher is convinced that the same function would also have the branches of triceratops.

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